Welcome to Universities Ireland

UNIVERSITIES IRELAND (UI) was founded in 2003 by the nine university presidents on the island of Ireland to promote and develop cooperation between their institutions (the Open University in Ireland became its 10th member in 2011, with TU Dublin joining in 2020 and Atlantic Technological University joining in 2023).
The Centre for Cross Border Studies provides its secretariat.

Since its founding, Universities Ireland has undertaken a number of activities and initiatives including:

  • Five North/South higher education conferences (2003-2006)
  • Joint meetings with British and Scottish university organisations
  • The Irish-African Partnership for Research Capacity Building (2007-2011)
  • The North/South Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme
  • The Irish Section of the international Scholars at Risk network
  • The historians’ project ‘Reflecting on a decade of War and Revolution in Ireland 1912-1923’ and linked PhD History Bursary

Bursaries and Scholarships

The North/South Scholarship Programme is open to students who plan to cross the border to commence a Postgraduate Degree. Bursaries are also offered for post-graduate study on a topic relating to the 1912-1923 period in Ireland.