News & Events

Universities Ireland Triennial Report (2003-2006)

The Universities Ireland Triennial Report (July 2003-August 2006) was approved by the governing Universities Ireland Council (the presidents of the nine universities plus representatives from the Irish Department of Education and Science, the Northern Ireland Department for Employment and Learning and InterTradeIreland) at its meeting on 11 September. It provides a record of all UI’sContinue reading Universities Ireland Triennial Report (2003-2006)

Report on all-island university collaboration on technology transfer published

Universities Ireland, the Irish Universities Association and InterTradeIreland have come together to publish a new report – University Collaboration on Technology Transfer: An All-Island Feasibility Study. The study was carried out by a team from Technology and Research Services at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. The report provides some clear signposts for mutually beneficial collaborative actionContinue reading Report on all-island university collaboration on technology transfer published

Universities Ireland delegation visits Uganda from 19 – 26 November 2005

See the report [272 kb] A four person Universities Ireland delegation visited Uganda between 19 and 26 November to explore the potential for greater co-operation between universities in Ireland, North and South, and higher education institutions in Uganda (a second leg to Ethiopia had to be cancelled because of the political situation in that country).Continue reading Universities Ireland delegation visits Uganda from 19 – 26 November 2005

Eleven action points from Purser Study on harmonising regulations, awarding joint degrees and integrating credit transfer arrangement between universities on the island of Ireland

Study on harmonising regulations, awarding joint degrees and integrating credit transfer arrangements between the nine universities on the island of Ireland Action Points for Universities Ireland Introduction The objective of harmonising regulations, awarding joint degrees and providing integrated credit transfer systems across all universities on the island of Ireland is to encourage the optimal useContinue reading Eleven action points from Purser Study on harmonising regulations, awarding joint degrees and integrating credit transfer arrangement between universities on the island of Ireland

Dublin Fireman and Bangor Law Student Get First North-South Scholarships

Neal O’Grady, a Dublin firefighter, and Stephanie Switzer, a law student from Bangor, Co Down, were presented with Universities Ireland’s first North-South Masters scholarships. Neal, from Firhouse, will do an MSc in Fire Safety Engineering at University of Ulster, while Stephanie will do a Masters in Commercial Law at University College Dublin. Universities Ireland wasContinue reading Dublin Fireman and Bangor Law Student Get First North-South Scholarships

Heads of British and Irish Business Confederations meet Irish University Presidents for the first time in Belfast

The Director General of the Confederation of British Industry, Sir Digby Jones, and the Director General of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation, Mr Turlough O’Sullivan, met the Presidents and Vice-Chancellors of the nine Irish universities for a historic, first ever meeting in Belfast on Thursday 1 September 2005. The meeting took place in theContinue reading Heads of British and Irish Business Confederations meet Irish University Presidents for the first time in Belfast

Inception meeting of steering group for feasibility study into establishment of an all-island Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer service (with Conference of Heads of Irish Universities and InterTradeIreland) – study to be carried out by Technol

Inception Meeting 1 July 2005 InterTradeIreland, Newry Attendees: Marion McAneney – InterTradeIreland Trevor Newsom – Queens University Belfast Tony Glynn – Dublin City University Andy Pollak – Universities Ireland Conor O’Carroll – C.H.I.U. Gillian McFadzean – TRS Mike Cox – TRS Antonia White – True North Innovation Apologies: Aidan Gough – InterTradeIreland Eugene Kennedy –Continue reading Inception meeting of steering group for feasibility study into establishment of an all-island Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer service (with Conference of Heads of Irish Universities and InterTradeIreland) – study to be carried out by Technol

Fourth progress report on work of Universities Ireland

June 2005 Research project on harmonising regulations, awarding joint degrees and developing joint credit transfer arrangements between universities on the island of Ireland The draft final report of this research project, by Lewis Purser , formerly of the European University Association, is being circulated as a separate attachment (UIC????). Presidents’ comments would be gratefully received. SymposiumContinue reading Fourth progress report on work of Universities Ireland

Study on harmonising regulations, awarding joint degrees and integrating credit transfer arrangements between universities on the island of Ireland (by Lewis Purser) received by Universities Ireland Council

Within the emerging European Higher Education Area, and in response to growing competition in the international higher education arena, the universities across the island of Ireland are actively looking at ways to promote closer cooperation and collaboration among themselves. This situation has developed rapidly since 1999, as a result of the evolving political situation inContinue reading Study on harmonising regulations, awarding joint degrees and integrating credit transfer arrangements between universities on the island of Ireland (by Lewis Purser) received by Universities Ireland Council