Around the world today, scholars are attacked because of their words, their ideas and their place in society. Those seeking power and control work to limit access to information and new ideas by targeting scholars, restricting academic freedom and repressing research, publication, teaching and learning. The Scholars at Risk Network responds to these attacks. Scholars at Risk (SAR) is an international network of higher education institutions dedicated to protecting threatened scholars, preventing attacks on higher education communities and promoting academic freedom worldwide.
SAR Sections are groups of higher education institutions and associations, that are members of the SAR network, nationally or regionally focused and organized specifically to coordinate participation in SAR activities. Unless otherwise indicated, the views represented by a SAR section, its members, or its affiliates reflect those of the originating author or section, and do not necessarily represent the views of SAR, other SAR sections, individual members, affiliates, board, staff, or sponsors. The use of the SAR name, logo, or other identifying material is for the sole purpose of identifying the relationship of the section, its members, or its affiliates with SAR, subject to approval of such use by the SAR board, as provided in the SAR bylaws
Contact Information
Scholars at Risk Network
c/o New York University
194 Mercer Street, Room 410
New York, New York 10012, USA
Phone: +1-212-998-2179
Fax: +1-212-995-4402
Click the icons to sign up for SAR Facebook and Twitter updates:

Universities Ireland is the SAR-Ireland Section and partner of the Scholars at Risk Network.
This partnership between Universities Ireland and the Scholars at Risk network provides support to threatened academics around the world, including by arranging temporary placements in Ireland to allow them to safely continue their work. Member institutions of the Section include: Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, NUI Galway, NUI Maynooth, Queen’s University Belfast, University of Ulster, University of Limerick, University College Cork , Dublin City University and the Open University.
During academic year 23/24 Prof Rory O’Connell (Ulster University) is the chair of SAR-Ireland.
If you are interested in becoming involved in the activities of SAR Ireland Section, please contact Anthony Soares, Universities Ireland Secretary at Tel: +44 28 3751 1554.