SAR Speaker Series


6 November 2020

12.15pm – 2.15pm

In recent months, many governments have used the COVID-19 lockdown as the pretext for a crackdown on intellectual dissent and academic freedom. This network-wide webinar, sponsored by Scholars at Risk Ireland, will explore these renewed attacks in several different contexts, including Turkey, China, India and elsewhere, drawing on individual presentations and a concluding panel discussion.

For further details and registration link, please click below

SAR Webinar 6 November 2020



SAR Speaker Series

The SAR Speaker Series raises awareness of attacks on scholars and academic freedom by organizing events at network member institutions featuring formerly at-risk scholars now outside of the country of danger. These events help scholars make new contacts and re-establish the personal and professional relationships that lead to future opportunities, while at the same time introducing local higher education communities to these inspiring, courageous individuals.

If you are interested in becoming involved in the activities of SAR Ireland Section, please contact Anthony Soares, Universities Ireland Secretary at